Habit Change Starts With Identity Change

Ask yourself to do easy things before you ask yourself to do hard things! 

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again…
If you want improve your well-being, it’s not about doing extreme things once in awhile, it’s about doing reasonable things more consistently. 

One of the most underrated service experienced trainers offer our clients, is helping them set reasonable expectations of themselves. 

I’ve had many conversations with clients about all the ways in which they’ve “failed” at working out in the past. They’ll list things like, lack of motivation, lack of knowledge, not enough time, or being a self described couch potato. 

In reality none of those things are true, the only thing they’ve failed at is setting reasonable expectations of themselves. 

Small things turn into bigger things. Habit change starts with identity change. My job as a coach is to help a client find their true step one. Setting them up to be successful week over week with reasonable changes; not only helps them reach their fitness goals. It allows them to start identifying as a person that follows through with the things they say their going to do, in my mind that’s invaluable. 


Master The Basics